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R6最高系统是新一代舰载a级应答器系统, representing the pinnacle of innovation in the field of AIS and VDES technology.


Future proof by design
支持s AIS, ASM and VDES
Multi-GNSS capability


The most versatile Class-A AIS system on the market

R6最高 AIS/VDES已通过AIS类型认证,并为未来的VDES功能做好了准备,其最新的最先进的软件定义无线电提供了出色的AIS灵敏度- 118 dBm. Designed and tested to IEC 61933-2 and future ITU-R M.2092-1 as applicable.


R6最高直观,易于操作,旨在成为日常工作的工具. It is equipped with an all-new Control and Display Unit (CDU), featuring a speedy modern graphical user interface (GUI) in a brilliant, sunlight readable 7-inch touch display with accurate colours at any viewing angle. The display has a resolution of 1024x600 pixels in more than 16M colours. The CDU has interface for central bridge equipment dimming. 所有信息都可以通过GUI轻松访问,这让人想起现代智能手机.

Transponder Tech

Supreme Sensitivity

The R6最高 is equipped with a state-of-the-art Software Defined Radio, 提供超过国际标准的一流灵敏度,大大提高了信号接收和范围.

Power of Dual-Use

R6最高可以与Saab型批准的导航GNSS接收器集成, 并共享控制和显示单元(CDU),以尽量减少桥上的屏幕数量,降低设备和安装成本.


In a truly innovative design, 十大正规博彩网站评级再次创造了一个领先的AIS单元,远远超出了以往市场上的任何系统. The R6最高 meets the Class-A AIS radio requirements with ease, 并且还实现了VHF数字交换系统标准(VDES)定义的高级波形和通信协议。. R6无线电能够处理64个并行接收或发送过程,允许AIS的接收和操作, ASM, VDE-Terrestrial, VDE-Satellite, AMRD, DSC and Secure AIS over all channels, in parallel regardless of bandwidth or if they are on the lower or upper band. R6最高还集成了新的网桥报警管理(BAM)标准以及双局域网接口(IEC 61162-450),可有效地将网络集成到网桥系统中.

Easy Installation

R6最高 AIS/VDES系统可以很容易地与其他车载系统(如ECDIS)集成, 雷达或其他显示解决方案使用传统的NMEA串行通信或网络接口. 转发器和CDU的双网络接口使其易于安装在冗余桥接网络上. R6最高提供与大多数其他AIS设备相同的VHF和GPS天线接口, which simplifies re-use of cabling when upgrading.


  • 灵敏度提高(优于-118 dBm),抗干扰能力强,同类领先.
  • Meets SOLAS V Carriage requirements for AIS.
  • Designed to meet new advanced communication modes, as defined by ITU-R M.VDES为2092-1.
  • Future World-Wide connectivity over VDES-Satellite data links.
  • 满足导航和无线电通信系统网络安全的IEC标准.
  • Dual IEC 61162-450 network interfaces.
  • Built-in multi GNSS receiver. 
  • CDU with waterproof front for exposed panel mount installations.
  • Versatile installation options. 


  • Type approved DGNSS add-on kit.
  • Saab Secure encrypted communication. 
  • STANAG 4668 compatibility (warship AIS).
  • Hot-Standby redundancy. 
  • VDES Communication (ASM, VDE-Terrestrial and VDE-Satellite).
gb reef desktop and mobile


R6最高 AIS/VDES为服务工程师提供了强大的自诊断和日志工具.

  • 独立的控制和显示单元,防水前暴露安装
  • Dual IEC 61162-450 network interfaces
  • Flexible RX channel configurations; reception of new AMRD channel, AIS LR channels 75 and 76, and a range of new VDES channels
  • Built in multi GNSS receiver



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